Monday 30 November 2015

30/11/15 Cover work


  1. This article is about the way women feel about the female gaze and how its not always about how men use it and about larger sized women being undeterred to model because of the stereotypes of being the lowest size possible.
  2. A perfect 14, Representing a real Woman
  3. The female gaze is usually used to theorize how men view women in the media, however in this case instead of women using the male gaze they could also be accused of viewing other women in the media but for other purposes. They instead use it for inspiration about how to change or not to change how they look in order to feel good.
  4. I do think more regular and normal women should be in the media. By showing models that are size 2 and below makes other younger women feel as though they need to be that size to fit in because that's the people they see on all of the TV adverts on the major channels. 

Introduction-This section talks about how different people create media texts with their own ideologies which other people then interpret or perceive exactly how they are.
Representation and the mass media- Suggests that there is a representation process in which certain people  including the photographer, picture editor and news editor. They can give images multiple meanings depending on their ideologies.
The how, who and why of representation- the expectations and needs of the target audience, the limitations provided by the genre codes, the type of narrative they wish to create and their institutional  remit.
Another approach to ideology-stuart hall- how the audience interpret the media text, they may believe it or see the oppositional meaning.
Representations and new media- shows the way in which social media gives more people a voice especially on youtube and twitter where influential normal people are made out to be idols.
Representing national identity in old and new media- old media texts such as newspapers would promote the ideologies that they want but newer media platforms like twitter would give people a voice of rejection.

I think I'm aware of what i post online, i wouldn't share all of my opinions on social media platforms such as twitter as it is very open and twitter could be said to be quite influential. If i were to post a lot on social media sites i would think about privatising my account so only people i want to see my posts could see it.

Maybe before it could be said that Institutions were the only ones with power and controlled the media, however due to new media outlets being created such as Social media platforms such as twitter it gives people a voice which other people are interested in viewing so in modern times the audience have more of a voice on how people or groups are represented.

Sunday 29 November 2015

12D cover work 26/11/15

  1. Graham Norton, BBC1 – Schwarzenegger (first 3 mins.)
In the fist clip we see many groups of people including Gay and straight men. We see Graham Norton who is a gay white male to be presented in this way. In terms of looking at gay people, Graham Norton is shown to be reinforcing the dominant stereotype of how they are, for example he seems to be quite feminine and jokes about his sexuality, he also dresses how a man of his tastes might expect to dress. However, in terms of the typical stereotypes of men, Graham Norton is shown to be more of an alternative stereotype as he is homosexual which isn't the preferred reading of men. Schwarzenegger on the other hand could be said to be the perfect dominant representation of Men as he is muscular and straight which seems to bode well with society. This clip could link to Medhurts shorthand theory as a lot of dominant and alternative representations of men are given in a short period of time.

James Bond London 2012

In this clip we see the fictional character of James Bong and the Queen open the London 2012 Olympic games. This clip represents London as being spectacular and modern. This is done by showing everyone London's greatest monuments and attraction which are known word wide. Towards the end of a clip we see a rather alternative representation of older people especially older women as it shows the Queen skydiving. This is significant as you may not always associate older people with taking bigger risks like this one.This again links with Medhurst's theory as the stereotypes used in this clip tells the audience a lot in a short space of time. This carries judgement so may be negative as the representation attempts to get the audience to visit London.

Some  Girls

Women are represented in various ways in this clip. The well-known stereotype of blonde women being stupid. This is shown to us at the start of the trailer as she is seen as dreamy, childish and dim. She cares about her looks as well. This therefore subverts the stereotype of women but alongside it reinforces it linking in with Medhurst’s shorthand theory. However it could also link to Mulveys theory. Laura Mulvey suggests that the dominant view in the media is masculine and created for the benefit of men. Women are presented for men to look at, hence the ‘male gaze’. This links to the idea of ‘sex sells’ and women being represented as sex objects.

Representation theories essay

The clip i have chosen is from Brooklyn nine nine

I believe the US comedy Brooklyn nine nine
In this TV show we see a lot of diversity in this Brooklyn police precinct. Although the protagonist in this show is a white American male we also get to see a lot more people of different ethnicities portrayed higher up. There are two female characters who are of Latin decent, this is quite irregular to see as typical stereotypes about women not being able to be offered promotions into higher service jobs which are usually male dominated, it is also more significant as the two women are not white Americans.
Another stereotype this show has subverts the usual one and is more of an alternative portrayal. In the show there is a homosexual black American Captain for the Brooklyn precinct. This is significant because in real life there has never been anyone like this character and its also subverts the stereotypes that some black males especially in the area of Brooklyn are against the police force and they they are sometimes on the receiving end of unlawful police brutality.

In Brooklyn nine nine there are many different people from various ethnic backgrounds, genders and race. This includes females, males, Latinos, blacks, whites, gays and straights. In this show it subverts the stereotype of white people being the higher people in a hierarchy. Instead the most senior person is a gay black male. This subverts the stereotype of white people being more powerful so therefore links to Levi Strauss's theory about dominant and preferred/alternative representations. The way people spread the media makes out as though a lot of middle class white people are more superior but in this TV we see the stereotype subverted.
Another stereotype that is subverted is Women working in a predominantly male job at the same pay grade, the two females in the show are also portrayed to do their job better then the males which could then also reinforce the stereotypes that women are more hardworking and organised which ins't a bad thing. This then links to Perkins theory that some stereotypes can by positive and partly true. This is done so that the audience can see the two women to be role models as they are reinforcing the positives about being women.

Another reason for the women being in the TV show could be linked to Mulvey's theory about the Male Gaze.Laura Mulvey suggests that the dominant view in the media is masculine and created for the benefit of men. Women are presented for men to look at, hence the ‘male gaze’. This links to the idea of ‘sex sells’ and women being represented as sex objects. However more recently the Female gaze has been theorised,  the idea of the ‘female gaze’ has been suggested. Rosalind Gill suggests the objectified male is an example of post-feminist media culture in modern Britain. Task: write down an example for each. As both these theories can be applied in this we could suggest that this show could cater for both sexes and that it try's to balance out its audience and try's to avoid sexism and create an ideal workspace.

Sunday 15 November 2015


I believe the US comedy Brooklyn nine nine 
In this TV show we see a lot of diversity in this Brooklyn police precinct. Although the protagonist in this show is a white American male we also get to see a lot more people of different ethnicities portrayed higher up. There are two female characters who are of Latin decent, this is quite irregular to see as typical stereotypes about women not being able to be offered promotions into higher service jobs which are usually male dominated, it is also more significant as the two women are not white Americans.
Another stereotype this show has subverts the usual one and is more of an alternative portrayal. In the show there is a homosexual black American Captain for the Brooklyn precinct. This is significant because in real life there has never been anyone like this character and its also subverts the stereotypes that some black males especially in the area of Brooklyn are against the police force and they they are sometimes on the receiving end of unlawful police brutality.  

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Dependency theory

I primarily use the media for entertainment as I'm always streaming movies and downloading games. I think movies are one of the biggest part of media and being able to access them anywhere makes it easy to view. I would say I'm becoming dependent on their being films available as they could help with everyday life choices as they are made to be quite realistic. I sometimes use the media in order to access information to help with studies but I primarily use it for entertainment.

To a large extent I do think we have become so dependent and addicted with the media. We wouldn't be able to live long without checking the news around the world or what's happening in our own country. Especially in modern times we are becoming overly dependent on the media as it so easily accessible as we are able to access it on nearly every device that has an internet connection.

Maybe in the late 20th century the media wasn't so heavily used, for example not everyone owned a T.V but televisions are more of a modern way of portraying the media and a lot of  people in the 80's relied heavily on newspapers and radio. The media also seems to influence people depending on what the type of media believes in.

The article does link to the dependency theory as young people have grown up with this growing media outlet and have been exposed to vast amounts of other peoples opinions. Although the media may be considered to influential it is a great source to use but I do believe we have become to reliant on it which is not a good thing.

Friday 6 November 2015

Audience H/W

  1. Read this Mail Online article about the effects of videogames. How does this article link to the hypodermic needle model?
This article links to the hypodermic needle model because the researchers into this made the people play either a violent video game such as call of duty (a first person shooter) or a calm racing game. The repeated playing of these games for 20 minutes every day for three consecutive days would like a needle inject good or bad information into us which could cause a negative effect.
      2. How does coverage of the Talk Talk hacking case link to the hypodermic needle model? Why might someone criticise this front page? 

The Daily Mail are feeding information to the public and because they use their own headlines they can make it say whatever and people are most likely going to believe them. Looking at the front page you may criticise the Daily Mail as they were quick to place the blame on violent video games for his actions. This links to the hypodermic needle model because the media is once again trying to change the way people perceive violent video games such as the Call of duty franchise. Also the Daily Mail failed to mention on the front page that he suffered with various learning difficulties which could have also of been a factor contributing to his hacking of Talk Talk.

Two-step flow model

1) Summarise the two-step flow model. In your opinion, is the two-step flow theory still relevant today?

The  two-step flow model was first used to show how political parties had so much influence over the media which allowed them so spread their cause. Mostly it is people opinions that it criticised as people were dubbed "opinion followers". The two-step theory refined the ability to predict how media messages influence audience behavior and explains why certain media campaigns do not alter audiences’ attitudes 

2) How does this YouTube blogger fit into the two-step flow model?
This YouTube blogger provides people with first impressions of games and other media content. This spreading of opinion then influences the audience and they may then adopt his way of thinking, so like the  two-step flow model this blogger would be classed as an opinion leader.

3) How this this Telegraph article on influential tweeters fit the two-step flow model?
The people from twitter had a large audience as they had lots of followers they are able to influence a lot of people. They are also able to share their opinions making them opinion leaders.

4) Read this BBC profile of Jamal Edwards. How does Jamal Edwards link to the two-step flow model?
Jamal Edwards could be seen to be an opinion leader as he tells people to not give up on their dreams. As he is audience is quite young and impressionable they could see Jamal as an opinion leader showing that he does influence his audience.

Uses and Gratifications theory

  1. Diversion
Adventure time is an animated TV show that could link to diversion as it is pure entertainment and comical. It takes you away from the burdens of this world and makes you imagine another
Image result for adventure time

  1. Personal relationships

Mr Robot is a show in which you can develop and emotional connection with a character. In this case the protagonist Elliot is the one in which you develop a relationship with and would be worried about his character.
Image result for mr robot

  1. Personal identity 
Reality TV shows like the only way is Essex could be quite relatable to some people and they may feel as though they share the same morals and values as the people in the show.
Image result for the only way is essex

  1. Surveillance 
  2. ITV news would fit under surveillience as it attracts audiences that are interested in weather, news etc... It is also good for useful for living as their is many ways that the ITV news can be accsessed, for example on TV, phones and tablets.
  3. Image result for ITV news

Thursday 5 November 2015

Struggler's presentation feedback

Grade C+  Joseph & Sharife

  • Good use of media terminology e.g. Prime time television 
  • Good reference to real life TV shows
  • Need to include original research
  • bullet point information on slide so it doesn't look to chunky
  • needed more images on all of the slides

Monday 2 November 2015

Psychographic groups

Main Priority: Control Characterisation: Succeeder You are powered by a strong goal orientation; your long term growth plans backed up by the confidence of high self-worth. The underlying aim of your drive is duration and stability, a desire for lasting personal achievement. It’s possible that you have a forward plan of your life worked out, and think in terms of strategic moves towards willed outcomes. Your creativity works in a process of simplifying complexity – cutting through ambiguity and extraneous complication, organising solutions. And in finding ways to express your conclusions in down-to-earth examples from personal experience. You do need to be the captain of your ship, separate from the mass of people - and to enjoy the rewards of success as well as the symbols of prestige that inspire the achievement of life goals. You may feel an attraction to things that have lasted for a long time – well-aged single-malt whisky can be one example, a tendency to align yourself with the local political and social establishment another. You are particularly aware of the importance of inter-personal communications. Socially you feel most at ease with individuals who share your Control priority, but on some level you may need a more caring and protective antidote to the stress and suppression involved in your drive toward success. To learn more about the 4Cs segmentation, click here to download our booklet. Main Priority: Security Characterisation: Mainstreamer A world that revolves around home, family and neighbourhood - the real things in life. You enjoy the ordered and familiar normal everyday routine that is the background for contentment. Easy-going and unpretentious, you are sympathetic and supportive, sensitive to others’ feelings. Most of all you like to be among your family, friends and neighbours. Troubles come, but people help each other, together we can find a way through them. And good times are shared by all, be they traditional celebrations or cheering the home team. Practical and capable, you learn by doing. And what you do, often with your hands, is to help create a world that is safe and warm and cosy. Loyal and trustworthy yourself, you respond to these qualities in others. Not trying to draw attention to yourself, but connecting to straightforward unpretentious people who share your value for being kind and helpful. Not looking for cleverness or brilliance, though you certainly appreciate a good-humoured joke. To learn more about the 4Cs segmentation, click here to download our booklet.