Tuesday 22 March 2016


  • Feedback
WWW: Clear points and good use of media theory
EBI: Need to aim for at least 3 paragraphs for each question and stick to the question

  • Strongest question
My strongest question was number 3 and it was about representations. I did well in this question because included a lot of media theory and linked it back to the question, i also got all of the names of the theorist correct. I also think I spent the most amount of time on question 3 and it was my most well planned part of the question paper. I scored 10/12 for this question.

  • Weakest question
My weakest question was the last one, question 4. This is because I didn't spend enough time on it and it wasn't well planned. I also found it hard to stick to the question as with the points I made, made it hard to link it back to what the question was asking me.

  • Examiner report
Agreed with the examiners response over question 3 as i also reached level 4 and also included a lot of theory, however for question 1 i could have included a lot more of my own knowledge and left out the information given to us in the case study. This question could have been answered better for me but overall for the rest of the country it was the most successful, if i were to do this question i would focus more on the audience as i don't think i focused on the question enough. Question four was my worst question and it wasn't answered to well overall either so again i think i would need to focus on the question a lot more.

  • LR Question 4
How are the Paralympic Games represented in the trailer as a much anticipated sporting event?

Firstly, i think the Games are represented as a much anticipated sporting event through the use mise-en-scene. In this case the setting being the crowd was shown in the trailer to show just how excited the fans were in hope that this could entice others into going to see/watch the Paralympic games. Also the mise-en-scene helps us identify where it was and where it was being hosted in, for example we see the new Olympic stadium which could also help persuade people to go to the Paralympic games because of the grand stadium. Another point to mention; unrelated to the mise-en-scene is the use of the crowds cheering as this shows they are enjoying themselves at the venue.

The song which is used is also a great way to get the audience involved as it is a very fast paced and exciting song which could get the audience to take interest in the trailer. It is also important to the mention that the song does work in parallel to the trailer as they work well along side together, creating an exciting atmosphere which could build up more anticipation about the Paralympic games.

It also uses some sort of narrative structure with a beginning, middle and end to help familiarize the audience with it and solely focus on persuading them to gain/find an interest in the Paralympic games. It uses various shots of the athletes training in preparation to it to show that even they are getting ready for the Paralympic games and encourages the audience to follow suit and come along to view it,

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